Navigating the business lifecycle

Fasten your seatbelt! Getting through the business lifecycle-the natural trajectory that companies follow from startup to maturity-can be a bumpy ride. On the quest for growth, they are racing around the obstacles that stand in the way. At RoseRyan, after working with hundreds of companies for more than 20 years, we have picked up on patterns and identified the four stages that companies travel through over time. As companies start, grow, expand and evolve, their finance needs change around every corner.

This RoseRyan report explores the four stages that businesses typically experience, the finance challenges of each, plus real-life examples of companies that have blasted through the obstacles to keep speeding forward. Download the paper to find out:

  • What the four stages of growth are all about and why you should care
  • How startups can grow-as-they-go with CFO-level advice and an efficient accounting infrastructure
  • What high-flying, high-growth companies contend with as they put the pedal to the metal
  • How the big bang of an IPO or acquisition can make everything come to a screeching halt if the company is not ready
  • How mature enterprises expand and contract over time, and how finance needs to flex with the changes
  • When in the business lifecycle the finance team get squeezed and need extra resources

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