
Taking your company public is a heady thought. But as soon you climb off Cloud 9, you realize there’s a lot to contemplate—including people, process and technology—as you start down that road. Three Silicon Valley experts recently shared their insights on making IPO dreams a reality at a popular RoseRyan-sponsored seminar, IPO Bound? New Strategies, New Ideas and Tips for Success.

Kelley Wall of RoseRyan, Matt Taggart of Ernst & Young, and Dan Winnike of Fenwick & West aimed their advice at high-tech, life sciences and cleantech companies that are beginning to plan for IPOs. Here are the headlines:

Your journey to a successful IPO requires planning for three phases: the one to two years prior to your big event, the actual IPO process and post-IPO operations. Each phase presents legal, audit and accounting issues and requirements. Anticipating the issues and staying up to date on the requirements can minimize risk and accelerate execution of your IPO.

Among other things, you may be wondering how you’re going to accommodate IPO planning on top of managing and growing your company. And how can you recruit a board of directors that will help take your post-IPO enterprise where you want it to go? Good questions!

For the answers, and more insights on preparing for the big event, check out the seminar presentation slides.