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Time for a heart-to-heart with your audit firm?

In my pre–Sarbanes-Oxley days, I worked with companies where it was tough to get audit committee members to attend meetings, and many of those meetings were check-the-box exercises without real value. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act changed the landscape significantly. Among other things, SOX clearly laid the responsibility for overseeing external audits on the shoulders of the […]

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Where is SOX really headed?

The passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 10 years ago dramatically improved corporate governance in U.S. companies, restoring investor confidence in U.S. capital markets in the wake of headline-making accounting blowups (Enron, WorldCom, et al). SOX instituted rules on the composition of audit committees, established the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) to provide independent oversight […]

Equity compensation: the devil is in the details

Equity compensation can be a significant factor in attracting and retaining talent. Lately a lot of attention is being given to effective compensation strategy, investor expectations and shareholder dilution. Philosophies have evolved and rules and regulations have changed, but one thing that remains constant is there are often surprises in the accounting for stock awards. […]


Don’t let the cloud rain on your parade

I hear a lot about the many virtues of moving to the cloud. There are a lot of reasons this makes sense—among other things, the cloud can provide greater efficiencies, reduce costs, enhance productivity, remove geographic barriers and improve disaster recovery. And with so many cloud-based applications available and more hitting the market constantly, it […]

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Did Sarbanes-Oxley kill the tech IPO?

In a March 2 CNBC interview, Marc Andressen was asked what one thing Washington could do to increase job creation and innovation in Silicon Valley. He replied by saying “attack regulation” and went on to specifically mention Sarbanes-Oxley. In his view, Sarbanes-Oxley was put in place to prevent the next Enron or WorldCom but, in […]

Disclosures tell only half the story of data privacy and protection

Facebook did things right in its S-1 disclosures relating to data protection and privacy as it relates to business risk. Among other things, the myriad disclosures warn investors of risks related to unfavorable media coverage of its privacy practices and concerns about privacy, sharing and security. They also note that unauthorized access to or improper […]