Category: In the trenches

How to amp up your year-end disclosures for the revenue accounting changes ahead

It’s always healthy to take a fresh look at your disclosures and discussions in your annual reports. Situations change, boilerplate language doesn’t always cut it, and changes in accounting policies make it a necessity…

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Top 5 financial mistakes that startups make—and how to avoid them

The odds are tough for any startup. The business model is unproven, and the shift from prototype to product can take awhile. It’s all-hands-on-deck, which can be rough going when the team is so small. On top of that, eve…

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Falling off the rails? 6 tips for a smooth transition to your new accounting system

The next time your company undergoes an accounting system switch, will it make your team soar or fumble? Of course, we dream of success and no one predicts failure when taking on a big project like this, but there is somet…

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Wrangling the evolving enterprise: How finance steers the company through boom and bust

Wham! The sound of a large public company hitting the wall can be deafening—i.e., a front-page news story or a radical stock drop. Or it may occur slowly, almost silently over time, perhaps from stealthy competitor moves…

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Without the right tone at the top, you could be encouraging fraud

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before. A top executive of a public company suddenly resigns. This person had bypassed the company’s processes and procedures to move forward with a huge transaction that really should …

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SOX compliance evolves: What’s worked so far and what’s still out of whack

When SOX was first invented, we all struggled to figure out what companies were supposed to be doing, and what auditors were expecting to see. All this happened while the auditors were trying to follow new audit rules just…

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What’s your move? The big consideration for data security

RoseRyan VP Pat Voll recently weighed in on a recent debate that posed the question “Is your data more secure in a data center or in the cloud?” CFO published her bylined article alongside other data-…

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Going dark: What it means and why it might be a smart move for your company

What happens if your public company decides to “go dark”? If you are in the military or in covert operations of some sort, this slang term means you have ceased all forms of communication—probably to save your life. …

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Conquer complexity: Get briefed on the latest accounting updates

In the accounting world, the rules are ever changing. Large in scope and long awaited, the new rule for recognizing revenue continues to get clarifications in the months leading up to its effective date. The new leasing st…

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Superstar controllers need technical chops and so much more

Job interviews with controllers—whether you’re in the hot seat or the one asking the questions—are getting broader these days, as the role of the controller and expectations around it have escalated. Just as today’…

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