RoseRyan Blog

Red flags in the finance org: The one simple question every new CFO should ask

So you just walked through the doors as the new CFO. You’ve already met the key players, you understand your role, and you have a pretty good understanding of the company. Only when you become part of the company can you…

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What to do if you’ve been in denial about the new COSO framework

Regulators are not requiring companies to follow the new COSO framework even though the 1992 version is being retired later this year. While we encourage companies to adopt the new internal control framework and most of th…

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5 ways every CFO can mitigate cybersecurity risks

It’s time to test your current events knowledge: Which major retailer acknowledged having to spend $88 million related to a mega data breach in its most recent 10-Q, with more costs expected? Target immediately comes to …

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The new rev rec rules: Making estimates that minimize the likelihood of restatements

Get ready for scrutiny. One of the many challenges presented by the new revenue recognition rules is the need for companies to come up with an estimate of revenue for variable consideration instead of waiting until amounts…

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Innovation, leadership are dominant qualities of EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award recipients

Economists like to debate about the level of economic growth that is driven by innovation. Some think that the days of rapid growth in the U.S. economy is over and any new inventions won’t make up for the slowdown in gro…

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