RoseRyan Blog

The 5 key traits of trusted advisors

One of the greatest compliments is when clients consider us a trusted advisor. Recently, some encouraging words came from a client that was just getting used to a new accounting method. After working with this startup for …

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Many Silicon Valley companies lack a ‘share price strategy,’ survey reveals

RoseRyan and Assay Investor Perspectives just released their Share Price Survey Results after meeting individually with more than 20 senior finance leaders and directors and surveying others online. We intended to gain an …

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5 qualities every public-company CFO needs

I have seen a wide range of public-company CFOs in my work at RoseRyan and I’ve been one myself, having spent 13 years at Nasdaq-listed companies between 1997 and 2009. So when a RoseRyan client considering an IPO recent…

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Tough love in finance: how to deliver bad news

When you work in finance and accounting, tough conversations go with the territory. At some point, you may have to tell someone their numbers are off, that they need to rethink a corporate strategy or a new hire, or that s…

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3 quick tips for streamlining your stock-based pay plans

Keep your employees motivated with stock-based compensation, the thinking goes, and you will be rewarded with high productivity and gains in your company’s growth track. What managers often fail to consider is that if th…

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