RoseRyan Blog

There’s a new sheriff in town: will you be meeting the SEC at high noon?

When the SEC swore in Mary Jo White as chair in April, it was clear there was a new sheriff in town. White is a former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York with decades of experience as a federal prosecutor …

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New webinar provides strategies for increasing valuation

Does company valuation feel more like a black art than a science? How do investors look at financial integrity and accountability, and their impact on valuation? RoseRyan CEO Kathy Ryan and Adrian Bray, founding partner of…

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The Friday cocktail: Balance Sheets to the Wind

Quarter close is nigh. What better way to steel yourself than with one of RoseRyan’s 20th anniversary cocktails? Balance Sheets to the Wind, a tequila-based, berry-colored inhibition loosener, is guaranteed to take the s…

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Big data’s big impacts are not going away

Big data is the big thing these days, and I don’t know much about it, so I attended the AAMA’s Big Data–Big Impact conference recently at the Tech Museum in Mountain View. It was very well done, with a good variety o…

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Why we don’t do lunch (not to build partnerships, anyway)

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what partnerships mean in Silicon Valley. In building our ecosystem of partners—service providers that complement RoseRyan’s offerings—I’ve realized two things: One, partners…

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