RoseRyan Blog

Equity compensation: the devil is in the details

Equity compensation can be a significant factor in attracting and retaining talent. Lately a lot of attention is being given to effective compensation strategy, investor expectations and shareholder dilution. Philosophies …

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Living to work? Remember, you only live once

A few years ago, well before I joined RoseRyan, I met a recruiter who was trying to fill a CFO opening in a fast-moving start-up. The role sounded interesting, until the recruiter said the CEO was looking for a young candi…

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What separates great audit committees from the merely good?

As a former audit partner of a Global Six accounting firm, I’ve done my fair share of presenting at audit committee meetings. I’ve noticed that when it’s time for the auditors to present, there will always be the occ…

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Credit risk: a few easy steps can prevent major headaches, even extinction

Entrepreneurs are constantly setting up companies as new business opportunities arise. It’s called innovation, and that’s what Silicon Valley is all about. VCs put their money into these companies to help them grow wit…

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Do you know where your passwords are?

Keeping track of a zillion passwords and user IDs is a fact of working life, made even more complicated by all the devices we use. Because I work with different clients it’s even harder, because that almost always requir…

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