RoseRyan Blog

Seminar gets real about XBRL

RoseRyan, along with Ernst & Young and Morrison & Foerster, is presenting a free breakfast seminar, “XBRL: It’s Time to Get Real,” on May 2 in Palo Alto. We all know that XBRL implementation can be tough—es…

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MF Global’s ‘vaporized’ funds point to lack of internal controls

I recently read an article discussing how approximately $1.2 billion in cash went missing from the coffers of MF Global Holdings, simply “vaporizing” in the wake of the company’ s collapse, according to The Wall Stre…

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Did Sarbanes-Oxley kill the tech IPO?

In a March 2 CNBC interview, Marc Andressen was asked what one thing Washington could do to increase job creation and innovation in Silicon Valley. He replied by saying “attack regulation” and went on to specifically m…

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Disclosures tell only half the story of data privacy and protection

Facebook did things right in its S-1 disclosures relating to data protection and privacy as it relates to business risk. Among other things, the myriad disclosures warn investors of risks related to unfavorable media cover…

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Facebook’s IPO is truly special

Speaking as someone who’s been engaged with tons of IPO filings, Facebook’s was the most interesting S-1 read ever. IPOs, in general, typically provide a high-energy, exciting, positive environment, but this one is spe…

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