RoseRyan Blog

Corporate Governance Best Practices for Startups

Startup corporate governance is not at the very top of every company’s priority list, and it’s understandable why: Developing the product, establishing a new brand, hiring employees, gaining traction in the marketplace…

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Wake up & smell the coffee! How strong is your company culture?

A 2021 MIT Sloan Management Review/Glassdoor Culture 500 index found that 97% of employees rate coffee as a top workplace perk*. But a complimentary corporate caffeine kick is just one small part of the big culture picture…

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How to Get an Investor to Say Yes

Chances are, you are passionate about your company and its growth prospects, and you think everyone else should be too. Companies embarking on their first round of pitches to investors go in with this attitude and may be s…

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Ways to Mitigate Liquidity Risk

There’s perhaps no worse feeling of dread than being short on cash. Even worse than not being able to cover the check at a restaurant is not being able to pay next week’s payroll or meet loan obligations. For companies…

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4 Ways a Financial Controller Can Help Your Business Grow

Controllers hold an integral role within the finance function as they raise the level of expertise with their knowledge of accounting and technology, and their financial leadership. While they are often associated with the…

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