People have apparently been trying to keep resolutions to do and be better annually for at least 4,000 years*. But the data is in: on average, most of us tend to stick to our new year’s resolutions for only 17.8 days**.

If you’re one of those well-intentioned goal-setters whose resolve often fails at the early hurdles, don’t feel bad—you’re in the majority.

That doesn’t mean you should give up aspiring to improve your habits. A good dose of pragmatism is always useful though. Research shows that we tend to follow through with our resolutions when they are actionable and achievable: having SMART goals for the new year is smart.

With that in mind, now is a good time to set realistic goals for yourself personally and professionally.

Here are some ideas for resolutions that you realistically may keep:


  1. Read your credit card statement each month.
  2. Set aside 1 hour a day to unplug from technology.
  3. Cook dinner once a week.
  4. Pamper yourself every Sunday.
  5. Record a family memory weekly, to not be forgotten.


  1. Be more positive.
  2. Make new connections.
  3. Stop procrastinating on your to-do list.
  4. Uplift yourself and your team.
  5. Improve your work-life balance

Now review your own list of aims for 2024, assess if you’ve been overly ambitious, and adjust accordingly.

RoseRyan can’t oversee your personal resolutions. But we can help youwith uplifting your team and knocking things off your to-do list. Make 2024 the best ever!

*The History of New year’s Resolutions

**Forbes: New Year’s Resolutions Statistics 2024