Need a mood booster? Then take a moment to think about three things for which you’re grateful.

Humans are hardwired for gratitude*. Research into the nature and origins of gratitude shows that we share this appreciative tendency with several other prosocial animals, and that we demonstrate an understanding of gratitude from an early age.

The benefits of consciously practicing gratefulness can include improved mood and physical health, and better life satisfaction. It also promotes positive social interactions, including in the workplace. Gratitude serves as a kind of magic panacea and ‘social glue’, and studies prove that it’s a state of mind and pattern of behavior that can be cultivated.

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to express gratitude in both personal and professional settings. In the business world, demonstrating appreciation can strengthen relationships, build trust, and foster a positive workplace culture.

Here are some meaningful ways to show gratitude professionally as well as personally as Thanksgiving approaches:

  1. Express Thanks: Start by expressing your gratitude sincerely and personally. Send a heartfelt message to the person in mind: a handwritten thank you note can have a powerful impact, and never goes unnoticed these days.
  2. Appreciation: Organize a gathering, even a potluck to celebrate achievements. Use this time to thank the people around you.
  3. Charitable Donations: Consider making a charitable donation in the name of your company or an individual. Supporting a cause that aligns with your values not only shows gratitude, but also demonstrates your commitment to social responsibility.
  4. Continuous Appreciation: Remember that gratitude should not be a one-time occurrence around Thanksgiving. Make it a habit to show appreciation throughout the year. Regularly acknowledging the efforts of your team and partners can contribute to a positive work environment.

By showing gratitude in your personal and professional life in the lead up to Thanksgiving—and throughout the year,—you create a culture of appreciation and build stronger relationships with others. The world could certainly do with more of the many positive things that gratitude brings.

Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving, and thank you for joining us on the journey to greatness!

*The Science of Gratitude