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Scaling for Growth: Tips to Help You Do It Right

Growth is a persistent goal by most companies, but scaling for growth is what successful companies have managed to do well. When a startup has shown its mettle in the marketplace—its first couple of years have proven that there is a market for its offerings, further confirmed by investor interest—then it becomes time to consider […]

3 Ways To Reduce the Risk of Buying a Business

Deciding to grow your company by buying a business is one of the most exciting and positive developments that can happen to an emerging growth company—yet the risks of buying a business can be quite high. To keep such risks at a minimum, or at least minimize any negative impacts that may occur, you’ll want […]

5 Tips for Successful Mergers And Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions often start with the best of intentions, whether the company owners are pursuing their exit strategy and want to sell, or a high-growth company is looking for an even bigger boost by joining forces with a company that has synergistic intellectual property, talent, or a hold on a particular geographic area. But […]

5 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make During M&A

Unfortunately, mistakes do happen in mergers and acquisitions, but the more common ones can be avoided—especially when you can lean on the experiences of companies that have successfully combined forces before you. By understanding the risks involved in mergers and acquisitions and preparing your company as much as possible for the changes ahead, you can, […]

5 Ways to Improve Your Company’s Financial Strength

A company’s ability to scale and reach its growth goals is heavily dependent on its financial health. Will your company be able to pay the bills three months from now? What are your revenue projections three years from today? Are you confidently hiring new employees, or are you concerned about growing the team too quickly? […]

What Angel Investors Look for in a Startup

What do angel investors look for in a startup? The savviest among them are not just seeking an exciting new company—they will want to see what’s behind the curtain before they part ways with their personal capital. Here are some of angel investors’ main interests in startups and how you can set up your emerging […]

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Finance and Accounting Business Process Outsourcing Service

Has your fast-growing company fallen behind on its finances? Is the team overwhelmed? You may be on the hunt for accounting BPO (business process outsourcing) or help with financial reporting outsourcing and more. Here is what to keep in mind during your search for the right service provider for your emerging growth company’s expanding needs. […]