Category: The Guide

The future of business is AI. Are you prepared? Here’s what you need to know…

Since advancements in Artificial Intelligence exploded into the public eye in 2023, it seems like AI is being mentioned daily as having a significant effect on our lives. As a RoseRyan veteran, I have been at ground zero t…

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Already ditched your New Year’s resolutions? Don’t quit! Get smart now: stick to the plan with these 10 tips.

People have apparently been trying to keep resolutions to do and be better annually for at least 4,000 years*. But the data is in: on average, most of us tend to stick to our new year’s resolutions for only 17.8 days**. …

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Are you overlooking these key financial year end factors? Get strategic now with this guide…

As the year draws to a close, businesses are gearing up for a period of reflection and forward planning. While many articles around this time delve into the usual year end financial strategies—such as budget reviews and …

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GETTING THROUGH THE AUDIT STORM: Five Ways To Prepare For Your Next Audit

No one likes surprises. Anyone who has gone through an audit can attest to this, from the auditors themselves to the CFOs prepping their company for their first-ever or umpteenth audit. We were fortunate to hear from both …

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Too Much on Your Plate This Busy Season? Get Ahead Of The Game Now (With Our Help)!

Is this the season of joy or stress? Once November hits, the pressure begins: We all get bombarded with messages about the shrinking number of shopping days left, questions about who’s hosting dinner this year, and early…

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Want To Know The Secret To Health, Happiness & Success? Adopt An Attitude Of Gratitude!

Need a mood booster? Then take a moment to think about three things for which you’re grateful. Humans are hardwired for gratitude*. Research into the nature and origins of gratitude shows that we share this appreciative …

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Are you ready for the SEC’s new Cybersecurity Disclosure Requirements?

Cybersecurity may seem like a modern phenomenon, but it’s been around for quite a while*—almost 200 years, in fact: the first cyberattack was actually carried out in 1834 when two canny French thieves hacked into Franc…

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Remote Work Stressing You Out? Try These 5 Hacks Today To Get The Balance Right!

If you were a typical work commuter in the United States pre-Covid, you lost around four days of your life per year on average sitting in traffic to earn your paycheck*. To the joy of many corporate employees, the Pandemic…

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Feeling frazzled? Avoid burn-out: use these 4 hacks now & get your dazzle back!

Professional burn-out is at an all-time high: 42% of workers surveyed by Future Forum* at the end of 2022 reported feeling burnt out, an occupational phenomenon identified by the World Health Organization** as cause for co…

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Don’t let restrictions limit your goals. Get organized for success now!

What does ‘success’ mean to you? Your definition of accomplishment is likely a bit different from that of the 41 people who currently hold the Guinness world record* – set at the Toyota Center Krasnoyarsk Zapad in R…

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