RoseRyan Blog

3 Ways To Reduce the Risk of Buying a Business

Deciding to grow your company by buying a business is one of the most exciting and positive developments that can happen to an emerging growth company—yet the risks of buying a business can be quite high. To keep such ri…

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5 Tips for Successful Mergers And Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions often start with the best of intentions, whether the company owners are pursuing their exit strategy and want to sell, or a high-growth company is looking for an even bigger boost by joining forces…

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5 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make During M&A

Unfortunately, mistakes do happen in mergers and acquisitions, but the more common ones can be avoided—especially when you can lean on the experiences of companies that have successfully combined forces before you. By un…

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A Guide to Venture Capital Financing

When it’s time to loosen your startup’s bootstraps and look beyond angels to take your emerging growth company to the next level, one of the more obvious places to turn to is venture capital. Usually backed by a larger…

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5 Ways to Improve Your Company’s Financial Strength

A company’s ability to scale and reach its growth goals is heavily dependent on its financial health. Will your company be able to pay the bills three months from now? What are your revenue projections three years from t…

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