RoseRyan Blog

Wrangling the evolving enterprise: How finance steers the company through boom and bust

Wham! The sound of a large public company hitting the wall can be deafening—i.e., a front-page news story or a radical stock drop. Or it may occur slowly, almost silently over time, perhaps from stealthy competitor moves…

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Private equity having a bang-up year: recap of the Western M&A/Private Equity Forum

Optimism wasn’t on the official agenda of the Daily Journal’s recent Western M&A/Private Equity Forum, but it was definitely a common theme throughout the event. Major legal players in the PE industry gathered at t…

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Rethinking revenue and realizing opportunities in the new rules

It’s game time. Deals your company is making now could be affected by the new revenue recognition standard, and the effective date will be here before you know it. This is why it is so important for finance organizations…

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A defined culture and a clear strategy: How the two are a “winning” combo

Here’s a tip about growth (we have many up our sleeves): The smartest strategy ever won’t work if the company’s employees are unclear about the execution plan and don’t hum as a team. At some companies, particularl…

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Without the right tone at the top, you could be encouraging fraud

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before. A top executive of a public company suddenly resigns. This person had bypassed the company’s processes and procedures to move forward with a huge transaction that really should …

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