RoseRyan Blog

How to earn a spot on the “Top Workplaces” list: 3 tips on employee engagement

Foosball tables in a company break room only go so far in fostering employee interaction and loyalty. If employees don’t feel a strong connection to their company, its future and their role in it, they’ll eventually st…

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EY Entrepreneur of Year Award winners: Inspiring, innovating and paying it forward

There is an interesting dichotomy that has existed in Silicon Valley for decades. Entrepreneurs have to closely guard their IP, the tremendous asset on which their business is run, while at the same time they have a compel…

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Women at the top in accounting: RoseRyan ranks high on national equity leadership list

We’ve always thought that both men and women are fully capable of having positions of power and authority. Let the talent, skills and merit of any individual shine so they can rise to the top. At this time in our firm’…

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Putting the E in “revenue”: A big challenge of the new rev rec standard

Accounting professionals who have been involved with revenue for many years can recite the four criteria for revenue recognition as quickly as they can their children’s names—it just becomes second nature. For people l…

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Hot deals, talent wars and ‘winning’ entrepreneurs: Just another day in Menlo Park

Optimism in the air—that was the first thing you would have noticed at an EY Entrepreneur of the Year® reception at the Rosewood Sand Hill last week. As I walked through the hotel’s reception area, I couldn’t miss …

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