RoseRyan Blog

By embracing data analytics, CFOs can keep their status as strategists

CFOs’ résumés are getting longer and more complex. Naturally they are the stewards of the company’s finances and the operator of the treasury, financial planning and analysis, accounting and tax functions. Now, they …

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5 tips for audit prep: Set yourself up right and ace it

Getting your year-end audit completed can be an uphill slog or a fairly smooth process. Much of the outcome depends on the work you can put in ahead of the auditor’s visit. This may seem like an obvious point, but time a…

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It was high time the FASB eliminated ‘extraordinary items,’ and they finally did

Companies will no longer have to call out extraordinary items on the income statement following the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s recent issuance of an accounting standards update. This change, which affects tra…

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Hot topics for finance departments in 2015

There’s a tension for finance organizations that go public. Throughout the year, they are faced with new rules from accounting standard-setters, new guidance from accounting firms and new direction by regulators that cou…

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Jacqueline Bray receives RoseRyan’s highest honor: The 2014 TrEAT Award

We are excited to share the news that Jackie Bray has received the 2014 TrEAT Award, a coveted recognition within RoseRyan. She is the fourth annual recipient of this award, which honors a guru who has best exemplified our…

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