RoseRyan Blog

Headlines from the ‘IPO Bound’ seminar

Taking your company public is a heady thought. But as soon you climb off Cloud 9, you realize there’s a lot to contemplate—including people, process and technology—as you start down that road. Three Silicon Valley ex…

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Year-end heads-up: don’t let equity issues take you by surprise at audit time

December 31 is fast approaching. Can audits be far behind? Every year as we help our clients maneuver through the audit process, it seems that one of the areas that can cause significant difficulties is equity. It’s not …

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Evaluating an acquisition target: pay attention to the gray areas

What’s more shocking: HP’s $8.8 billion (yes, billion!) impairment charge recorded in its recently completed fourth quarter, or the fact that it blames the charge on the “accounting improprieties and disclosure failu…

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Time for a heart-to-heart with your audit firm?

In my pre–Sarbanes-Oxley days, I worked with companies where it was tough to get audit committee members to attend meetings, and many of those meetings were check-the-box exercises without real value. The Sarbanes-Oxley …

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New report: sober up your equity compensation accounting

Stock options in Silicon Valley are like free drinks in Las Vegas—and accounting for equity-based compensation often gets treated with the breezy inattention of a gambler ordering another round. But eventually some kind …

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