RoseRyan Blog

Rev rec worries? Just give it time (and remember to breathe)

The new rev rec guidelines have made for some labor-intensive process changes in some of the client companies that we work for. It took me back in time to the initiation of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) compliance and how it mad…

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Feds award $1B for R&D to small biotechs

The life science community has been anxiously waiting for the announcement of the awards for the $1 billion Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project program and the results are out! Many Bay Area companies did quite well, …

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RoseRyan catches up with alumni

RoseRyan hosted its annual fall alumni event October 5, and it was a great night for wine tasting, yummy Italian appetizers and catching up with old friends and colleagues. I saw quite a few friendly faces at the after-wor…

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M&A–It’s baaack!

Of course, M&A never really went away, but other than the occasional blockbuster deal, there was definitely a lull in activity over the past few years. But here at RoseRyan we’re seeing a decided upturn in M&…

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Judging the Cleantech Open

I just finished judging the semifinalists in transportation category of the Cleantech Open, a national business plan competition for start-ups and emerging companies. It was a difficult task due to the diversity of the e…

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