If you’ve ever made New Year’s resolutions, you’ll know things never quite go to plan.

Unexpected challenges and variables—both external and internal—can affect our goals and priorities. And sometimes one may feel stuck, or overwhelmed by the need to pivot and adapt to changes going on around us.

That’s why it’s important to regularly take some time to reflect, reassess, and recalibrate our actions and strategies—using fresh eyes to look at all the angles.

Old habits die hard, and fear of the unknown can be crippling

We’re six months into 2023, are you currently where you expected to be across your priorities? Does something need to be adjusted, but can’t put your finger on exactly what? Is something holding you back from taking action because of concerns about a needed course correction, perhaps, grappling with how changes might impact you or your organization?

It’s easy to get complacent and stuck in a rut of just going through the motions, checking boxes to feel accomplished… only to realize something is incomplete or not working, and that things need some shaking up.

And when a situation is challenging, it’s common to continue to do what feels easy, pushing forward in auto-pilot mode with what we think works according to our typical patterns and routines, and hoping for the best—or for something different to magically happen that will address the obstacles showing up. But…

If you always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you’ve always gotten.” ~ Jessie Potter

What to change? What to let go?

Circumstances are likely different than when you launched into this year: what was important in January might not be as crucial in June and the rest of the year.

You may need to find ways to be more efficient and cost-effective in your business activities, but you could be struggling with the question of whether to keep doing the same things, or to cut everything and worry later.

You might be wondering how you can streamline, yet still get the essential information needed to establish a new baseline and quickly reconfigure, keeping the minimum accounting, reporting and analysis required to still support a growing business.

How can you get over the hump and fearlessly tackle necessary evolution?

This is an ideal time to be strategic and do some conscious stock-taking—to do a timely mid-year assessment of long term prospects and projects, and update your views on possible solutions.

As you head into the second half of the year, be willing to obtain independent feedback and consider different perspectives to establish some new checks and balances and quickly get clarity that allows for survival in the present, while you continue moving forward.

Now is the right time to be open to new insights and be bold about tackling change. You should:

  • Identify the gaps and opportunities in your current situation
  • Seek feedback and perspective from experts and peers
  • Assess and align your actions with your vision, goals and values
  • Streamline your processes and optimize your resources
  • Embrace change and courageously pursue your goals

No time like the present: take charge of the future now!

If the last time you did a stock take of your situation was when the year felt fresh and full of promise to strategize a new direction, a mid-year check in session might be just what’s needed to help you re-evaluate your progress and adjust your plans for the rest of the year.

Are you willing to embrace change and set a new baseline to renew your trajectory and reestablish a foundation for strong growth and continue to thrive?

No matter where your organization is in its journey, this annual halfway mark is a valuable opportunity to get clarity, confidence, and momentum for the second part of the year. Whether you need a small tweak or a major pivot, RoseRyan’s finance and accounting experts can jump in to help you and your organization take stock and make the best decisions to stay on track.

Get in touch to talk through what you require, or book your rapid assessment session with us now.

Wishing you all the best for whatever the remainder of 2023 may bring: seize the day!