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What Got Auditors’ Attention This Year?

Every SOX audit season reveals a bit of information about auditors’ expectations. And every year, those expectations seem to shift, with not much transparency about where the bar is. So, preparing for auditors’ scrutiny often involves frustration and scrambling as companies try to comply with ever-changing auditor expectations. Fortunately, we didn’t get any big surprises […]

Access Management and IT SOX Controls: Where Deficiencies May Be Found During an Audit and How to Avoid or Mitigate Them

If you haven’t noticed yet, you likely will soon: A lot of recent auditor scrutiny has centered on access management. External auditors appear to be taking a much stricter position when auditing access controls. They’re offering little leeway for process errors and are declaring a deficiency for even a single finding. Are we seeing the […]

What is AI’s impact on Accounting & Finance?

Is the Recent News in Artificial Intelligence Hype or Hyperbole? This image was generated using AI art generating applications* Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing field that has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives—from healthcare and transportation, to finance and education. However, like any emerging technology, there is often a lot […]

Business Life Cycle Stages

While every company is unique and dealing with distinctive challenges, all businesses tend to follow a similar trajectory—the business life cycle stages. Over the course of 30 years of helping companies start up, manage high growth, expand, and hit strategic obstacles, we have seen this time and again. While not every company survives to go […]


How to Navigate the Market Downturn and Be Ready for the Rebound

We are in familiar yet unpredictable territory. All of us entered into 2023 with a sense of uncertainty about this year’s economic future, surrounded by a lot of conflicting information, which is indicative of a volatile market. After riding and surviving market cycles over the years, including very memorable downturns, RoseRyan understands a thing or […]

How Technology Is Changing Financial Outsourcing and Other Business Functions

There are many benefits of financial services outsourcing and outsourcing for other essential business functions, like marketing: It’s how companies can cost-effectively scale the business and gain access to specialized expertise and skills whenever it’s needed. And because of recent advances in technology, this method of temporarily adding talent or supporting current staff across the […]

Transaction Advisory Services for Startups

Whether your startup is looking to sell or is being courted, you will need to have an understanding of available transaction advisory services.  Buying or selling a company, or pursuing an initial public offering (IPO) are huge undertakings, particularly for startups that are new to these prospects, and it helps to know where to turn […]

Strategic Initiatives for Emerging Growth

When startups graduate from being in “survival mode” to strengthening their foundation and exploring opportunities, the focus turns to potential strategic growth initiatives. Whether they are organic or inorganic, incremental or transformational, growth initiatives should be carefully assessed with a steep understanding of the current state of the business. Here are the categories they fall […]

Learn When and Why You Should Use a Virtual Accounting Service

Is it time for a change? The reasons why companies start looking into outsourced accounting services vary and quickly multiply as they explore the many benefits, from providing virtual bookkeeping services to improving accounting processes and systems; developing a multilayered, smooth-running finance function; and helping you truly understand your cash flow situation; and even helping […]