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RoseRyan Blog
Strange comfort: someone, somewhere, is watching—and rating—your accounting policies
- 01/ 11
Forbes, in conjunction with a quantitative analysis firm called Audit Integrity, recently ranked the most trustworthy publicly traded companies in America. Audit Integrity uses a quantitative metric score to assess the ris…
See MoreWhat’s the big deal about blogging?
- 01/ 11
When RoseRyan made the decision to initiate a company blog and asked for volunteers, I found my hand going up of its own volition. After all, I knew something about blogging—I had watched Julie and Julia. Twice. Then, i…
See MoreWho says finance pros don’t have a sense of humor?
- 01/ 11
We’re pleased to report that the RoseRyan Finance Pro Personality Quiz is an unqualified success. We sent the quiz—a tongue-in-cheek assessment—as our New Year’s gift to clients, partners and others on January 4. L…
See MoreNew York Times’ flextime article is heartening
- 01/ 11
It was heartening to see the January 8 New York Times article, “Flex Time Flourishes in Accounting Industry.” Work/life balance in the finance field is at the core of RoseRyan: When I co-founded the firm in 1993, I was…
See MoreFASB & IASB: a match made in heaven or a recipe for disaster?
- 12/ 10
The lofty goal: To develop a single set of high-quality, international accounting standards that companies worldwide would use for both domestic and cross-border financial reporting. Last month the FASB and IASB issued a …
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On demand leadership and consulting services out of Silicon Valley specializing in the Finance & Accounting disciplines.
tel: (510) 456-3056 ext 400
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